Exhilarating Snowmobiling in Dubois, Wyoming


Snowmobiling in Dubois, Wyoming

596 miles.

That’s the distance between Paris and Berlin. That’s how many miles of trails you have when snowmobiling the Northern Continental Divide Trail on top of Togwotee Pass. Think of it; throttle wide open as you and your machine hurtle across some of the most vast, beautiful, and most wild country in the American West.

Open, endless fun.

West of Dubois, Wyoming, Togwotee Pass has become synonymous with the idea of a Winter Wonderland. To say this is a local secret would be to ignore that thousands of national and international travelers come to this unique area of the Rocky Mountains to rocket across the rampant amount of snow that Togwotee gets every year. Known as the Valley Of The Warm Winds, Dubois and the surrounding valleys and plateaus that make up the greater Dubois outdoor playground get an average of 46 inches of snow per year with an average of 235 days of sunshine. If you are having trouble seeing the math, it breaks down like this. Dubois has lots of snow and lots of sunshine. Meaning no matter where you are traveling from, it’s not going to be a question of whether you get to sled, the only question is going to be where you are going to sled.

Where The Pros Go

Togwotee Pass proper, that is, the area that starts about 15 miles to the west of Dubois, is a well-traveled, well-mapped area. This area in the northern part of the CDT offers the best high-elevation riding in the West. The pass, at elevations ranging from 6,000 to over 10,000 feet, spans two national forests and a number of lodges and amenities. Not only will you get the best of well-groomed trails, but this is where the pros ride, and there are plenty of opportunities to get that machine revved up a little bit. Are you looking for a more wilderness-type ride? Dubois has you covered there, too.

The Solitude of Union Pass

Snowmobiling in Dubois, Wyoming
Snowmobiling in Dubois, Wyoming
Union Pass and the Togwotee Pass area have more solitude and fewer tracked trails. At 9,200 feet in elevation, Union Pass is a high plateau where the three great mountain ranges of Wyoming, the Wind Rivers, the Absarokas, and the Gros Ventre all come together. Where Togwotee is the busy highway, Union Pass is the country lane.

Rustic Cabins and Family-Owned Comfort

Crooked Creek Guest Ranch:  Double Bar J Ranch:  Brooks Lake Lodge:

Snowmobile Rentals & Guides

UnionPass Rentals: Their knowledgeable staff will help you get the perfect sled for your skill level.  You’ll be on the powder in no time, like a modern-day cowboy riding an iron horse. 3C Guiding: Operating daily rentals starting at 8 am with mountain and crossover sled options. Snowmobile trailer is also available for rent. The Dubois area is a snowmobile mecca. We guarantee you have never run a sled in such splendor, in such great company or solitude, with the throttle open, powder under your runners, and that great blue Wyoming Sky. So c’mon SledDog. What are you waiting for?

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