Our corner of Wyoming is a treasure worth protecting.

Protect Yourself

Use caution as a compass, and embrace the wilderness with humility, vigilant with every step, leaving a bare campsite.

Protect Dubois

Explore with a light footprint and ensure that the pristine beauty of this land remains untouched for future generations.

Protect Wildlife

Keep the wild West wild, and stand aside, a shadow in their narrative, a guest, not an intruder in their space.

Welcome to Dubois

Our quiet gem of the West offers a unique blend of natural beauty, rich history, and warm hospitality. Barely an hour from Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park over, it’s peaceful here, with so many things to do. in the Wind River, Absaroka, and Owl Creek mountain ranges, vast forests, and meandering rivers, our charming town offers a unique blend of natural beauty, rich history, and warm hospitality.

Weekly Summer Events in the Wild West

Friday Night Rodeo

Live action at its finest with the most family friendly persona, we have something for everyone. Every Friday from mid-June thru mid-August, we provide the community with the utmost in real west rodeo entertainment.

Friday Nights | June 14th – August 23rd | 7:30 pm

5639 US Hwy 26, Dubois, WY

Tuesdays on the Town

This fun event kicks off with an evening of square dancing in the streets! The evening is free and open to the public.

Farmers Market

Come enjoy the harvest bounty of fruits, veggies, elderberry syrup, local Honey, authentic gumbo, homemade jams, Arnica salve, Apple Cider, Juniper Pepper Rub, raw milk and dairy, baked and more.

Located at the Headwaters

20 Stalnaker St, Dubois, WY 82513

Music at the Museum

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Located at Dubois Museum

20 Stalnaker St, Dubois, WY 82513

Wyoming’s Tucked Away Trail Town

Off the beaten path, circled by wilderness.

Yellowstone National Park

Grand Teton National Park

Here you’ll find….


Perhaps the only place on earth where can explore all three kinds of mountains in one spot—rugged peaks driven up by underground collisions, blown out by volcanoes, or carved out by glaciers. Some of the best hiking, fishing, wildlife viewing, and horse-packing trips in the United States.




Our Wind River Valley provides a much-needed respite from the crowds and easy access to all the greatest adventures.

Larger neighbors—the national parks, Jackson Hole, and Lander—are all within a two hours drive. Our quiet gem of the West has enough to offer a rich experience on its own, season after season, and over 100 years of travelers have kept the area lively with the people who know its almost-secret rewards.

Latest News

People who are savvy, or just plain lucky, experience Dubois in autumn. The aspens are clothing the mountainsides in brilliant yellow and the days are still summery and warm. The crowds are gone from the park and our weather is at its best: Mild, and dry, with endless blue skies. The wildlife has started to come down from the mountains and migrate over the ridges, making hunting season a prime time to visit. Keep your eyes open for bighorn sheep, elk, moose, or pronghorn antelope — and look to the skies for hawks and eagles.

Dubois FAQ

Is there a place to take a day ride on horseback? The Longhorn Ranch…

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